Alice Maher
ReservoirHard-back, 192 pagesRead more
Publisher: Roads Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-909399-35-8
Dimensions: 24.7 x 17.6 cm -
Alice Maher
BecomingHard-back, 144 pagesRead more
Publisher: Irish Museum of Modern Art
ISBN: 978-1-907020-92-6
Dimensions: 29.8 x 22.2 cm -
Alice Maher
Natural ArtificeSoftbound, 46 pagesRead more
Publisher: Royal Pavilion Libraries & Museums, Brighton
ISBN: 978-0-948723-70-4
Dimensions: 30 x 21 cm -
Alice Maher
PortraitsSoftbound, 25 pagesRead more
Publisher: Millennium Court Arts Centre Portadown
Dimensions: 21.5 x 21.5 cm -
Alice Maher
Necklace of TonguesHard-back, 62 pagesRead more
Publisher: Coracle Press
ISBN: 0-906630-11-8
Dimensions: 20 x 17.5 cm